Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Author Ruiz Sets New Distribution Plan

Author Ruiz Sets New Distribution Plan
SAN MARCOS, Texas, October 19, 2011 -- With all of the uncertainty surrounding the debt crisis in America and the personal savings rate in the negative, Wealth & Millionaire Publishing announces the release of three books, authored by a Hispanic in the United States. Ruben Ruiz, financial strategist and adviser, is releasing his books in English and Spanish, which provide Americans with insightful and easy to understand steps to reaching financial stability, while at the same time entertaining with clever dialogues and memorable characters.
It started with the first book, The One-Hour Hispanic Millionaire , and this was a new adventure, a new business, and Ruiz didn’t know the first thing about self-publishing and book distribution. Then came the 2nd book, The Richest Latino in America. By then, the author had learned a lot of the book industry. In fact, he was able to get one of the top literary agents in the country to take on his book, and get a national and/or international publisher. But after a year and a half, neither publishers nor Ruiz ever put the book on or anywhere else, during all that time. The thought of a new publisher was coming soon, and he would learn a new lesson, again.
Ruiz thought about it for awhile and figured out that 299 million Americans had never heard of his books. He also knew that after each presentation he gave on the self-help, financial books, some of the audience bought books. He figured that the lowest percentage of purchasers from the audience was 20%, and the highest was about 60%.
With that Ruiz made a decision; “Let’s just publish the books brand new, like they had never been published.” It was like a ‘practice’ or a ‘trial marketing’ program, which many authors do today. So he changed some of the covers, updated anything that needed an revised, and started the process of nationally distributing all four books, two in English and two in Spanish.
And if this wasn’t enough for Ruben Ruiz, financial advisor and author, he was in the middle of writing his 3rd book My Own Money Blueprint, which provides readers with tools and knowledge to build their own financial blueprint. Much like the tools needed to build a home from a blueprint; you have to have all the parts from the foundation to the roof.
 Ruiz also made a commitment to publish a new book every year, for the next ten years, and  

cover every part of financial education that is a part of America’s free enterprise society on
building income and net-worth. He made Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the model to motivate the writing of his financial self-help books. Ruben started a new national distribution on October 15th, 2011 with all four books carried by and his own book website. Ruiz is in the process to place books on all book websites, national book subscriptions, and retail stores. The 5th and 6th book – My Own Money Blueprint – will be on by December 1st, or earlier.
My Own Money Blueprint provides readers with the tools to gain financial security, peace of
mind and an independent lifestyle by learning the 12 models that make up your “Own Money
Blueprint.” The highly-anticipated book is soon to be released.

The Richest Latino in America is the 21st century version of “The Richest Man in Babylon.” It is the 1st Self-Help, Financial story or ‘novella’, written by a financial advisor. It contains many memorable characters, humor, wealth principals, and easy, financial tips and techniques for all of America to manage their monthly paycheck and turn it into ‘net worth’ between the story pages of a novella that is guaranteed to hold their interest.

Don’t let the title “The One-Hour Hispanic Millionaire” fool you into thinking this book must be fictional. In actuality, it contains 30 educational chapters, that help the average American learn in ‘one-hour’ a week to create wealth, achieve true financial independence, and yes, build a goal-based ‘million dollar’ net worth.

“The aim of the books is to encourage Latinos to be financially independent and to realize that wealth is attainable for everyone with the right planning,” said Ruiz. “What Latinos need and want more passionately than anything else for building wealth is a structured plan.”
Ruiz hopes that by offering three new books, Latinos will be set with every tool needed for financial success. He has made it his personal mission to help 100,000 Hispanics across the country become wealthy, millionaires or financially independent within the next ten years.
About Ruben Ruiz
Ruben Ruiz, Jr., MSFS, CLU, ChFC, RFC, is a president and CEO of The Ruiz Financial Group, LLC.,Wealth & Millionaire Publishing and regional director of Money Concepts Financial Planning Centers in San Marcos and San Antonio, Texas. Ruben’s firms have a long tradition of helping clients build, manage, and protect their wealth through financial planning and investment advisory services.


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