Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ruben Ruiz, Financial Advisor, Money Concepts Introduction


SAN ANTONIO, Texas-- On January 27, 2012, from 8:00 AM to 5 PM, Money Concepts International, wealth management and financial planning corporation, will be hosting the first “Women in Financial Services” conference at the St. Anthony’s Hotel, in San Antonio, Texas. With only 20% of the financial advisors of the female gender, Money Concepts International is hosting this conference as an effort to increase the numbers of female financial advisors, in order to promote equal opportunity and diversity in the financial services industry. Ruben Ruiz, Regional Director of Money Concepts Financial Planning Centers in San Marcos and San Antonio, Texas, will be available for one-on-one interviews and photo opportunities.

WHO: Money Concepts International, Ruben Ruiz, Liza Perlow, Stacey Douglas, Karina Cantu, Brandy Napier, Kimberly Wilder, Terike Novak, Angie Lewis.

WHAT: ‘Women in Financial Services’ Conference.

WHEN: Friday, January 27, 2012, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

WHERE: St. Anthony’s Hotel
300 E Travis St.
San Antonio, Texas 78205

WHY: Women face tremendous challenges as they move through life’s transitions, from childhood to adult, from college to career, from single to married, to widowhood or divorce, and into the retirement years. Therefore, it is important to have more women in the financial services industry, who understand the needs of their female clients.


8:00 AM ‘Financial Services Opportunities in the Industry Today’
Liza Perlow, AML Officer—Assistant Vice-President of Compliance
Money Concepts International, Palm Gardens, Florida

9:00 AM ‘FMO’s Bring a Multitude of Products & Companies Assistance to the Agents’
Stacey Douglas, Director of Marketing and Operations
Marketing Financial, Springfield, MO

11:00 AM ‘Estate Planning for High Net-Worth Individuals and Affluent Families’
Karina Cantu, Attorney at Karina Cantu Law, PLCC
San Antonio, Texas

12 NOON Luncheon

1:00 PM ‘Selling Seven Million in Fixed Annuities without FDIC & Interest Rates’
Brandy Napier, Financial Advisor & Personal Banker
Great Southern Bank, Springfield, MO

2:00 PM ‘Partnering with Advisors & Agents Clients for Expertise Sales’
Kimberly Wilder, AIF, Financial Advisor
Regional Life Specialist, Austin, TX

3:00 PM ‘Sales & Development of Fee & Commission Based Annuities, 403b, 457, ORP’s
Terike Novak, Regional Director, Security Benefit
A Guugenheim Partners Company, Topeka, KS

4:00 PM ‘Business Banking Relationship & Services for our Clients’
Angie Lewis, Vice President, Relationship Manager-Business Banking
Amergy Bank, San Antonio, TX

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



SAN ANTONIO, Texas—Money Concepts International—wealth management company, will be hosting the first “Women in Financial Services” conference, in an effort to bridge the gap between men and women that work in the financial services industry.

We are currently in a social and economic revolution, where women now control most of the wealth, yet men lead the financial services industry. With only 20% of the financial advisors of the female gender, there is a shortage of women to fill these "wealth holders" needs.

Women now control more than half of all the wealth in the United States, according to the Federal Reserve. The female economy is one of the largest economies on the earth. They control 80 percent of household purchases and make 89 percent of the banking decisions for their families.

However, many women are dissatisfied with the condescending disrespect they receive from the financial services industry. Often they prefer a woman financial advisor to a man by 3 to 1.Women face tremendous challenges as they move through life’s transitions, from childhood to adult, from college to career, from single to married, to widowhood or divorce, and into the retirement years. Having more women in the financial industry, who understand the needs of their female clients, can be extremely beneficial.

It is a wise business move for companies of all industries to have equally gender balanced management and leadership teams, in order to make unbiased, strategic decisions in today’s global economy. By nature, men and women bring different, but complementary qualities and skills to the table.

Research shows that women are less likely than men to take extreme investment risks and achieve more consistent and higher yields on funds they manage. In one study, they measured brain activity in men and women while making investment decisions. In men, the reward center of their brain lit up. In women, they reward center lit up, but so did the consequences center of their brain.

“Women in Financial Services” make up about 20% of the industry. Yet, women listen more than men in client appointments. There are many reasons why there are not more women in financial planning & services & wealth management. Money Concepts Texas will do their part to increase
the number and the awareness, with a special event “Women in Financial Services,” says Ruben
Ruiz, Regional Director of Money Concepts International, financial advisor and author.

Money Concepts International will host the first conference on “Women in Financial Services” on January 27th, 2012, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at the St. Anthony’s Hotel, in San Antonio, Texas, in an effort to promote equal opportunity in the financial industry and challenge stereotypes. As a top leader in the financial industry, Ruiz’s goal is to create diversity, equality, opportunity for women, and increase financial education amongst both men and women. For additional information contact Priscilla Hurst at

About Ruben Ruiz

Ruben Ruiz is an award-winning author, financial coach, president and CEO of The Ruiz Financial Group, LLC., and W&M Publishing. Ruiz is a member of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) of San Antonio and South Texas and has served in various positions for the organization, including chairman of the Board. Ruiz teaches, educates and provides consulting services to clients and associates in wealth management and financial planning. He has published three books on financial planning & money management, in English and Spanish. Ruben Ruiz, Jr., MSFS, CLU, ChFC, RFC, is a Regional Director of Money Concepts Financial Planning Centers in San Marcos and San Antonio, Texas.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Finance Tips: Make it a Wealthy New Year

Finance Tips: Make it a Wealthy New Year

Financial expert and author, Ruben Ruiz, has some tips for Latinos on how to increase your wealth in 2012. This is what your parent’s didn’t tell you. 
Ruiz says that net worth is made up of assets owned such as, a home, CD’s, stocks and bonds, 401k’s, savings, treasuries, a business with equity, among others.

“Net worth is a true picture of everybody’s wealth,” says Ruiz. “That’s what’s going to determine you becoming financially independent - the point that you have enough assets to live for the rest of your life without having to work. Everybody wants to get to that point.”
According to this year’s Pew Research study, the median wealth of a white family in 2009 was 18 times greater than the average Hispanic family. In other words, the average white family had $113,149 in net worth, compared to $6,325 for Hispanics.

These are Ruiz’ first steps to financial freedom:

1. Change your mindset from one of only spending to investing. Many Latinos were raised too conservative and without encouragement for entrepreneurship. Remember that you also have the freedom to invest. Don’t think: “At least I have a job, I don’t want to ask for anything more.” You have to go to the next level. Turn your income into net worth. You have to believe you believe you can do it.

2. Set different buckets or goals before you receive your paycheck in order to determine where your money is going. The average person will usually pay bills first and try and save whatever is left over, but admit it, that often leaves you with nothing left after you go shoe shopping. Work towards saving 20 percent of your paycheck, and already have written out where the other 80 percent is going (eg. 40 percent: living expenses, 10 percent unplanned celebrations, etc.).

3. The saying “The more you give, the more you receive” is accurate. Giving back actually causes you to build a bigger net worth and accumulate more wealth. The more money you give to charitable contributions, your subconscious says, “It’s okay, we’ll get more of that.”

4. Set aside one hour a week to create your financial road map so you know how much you are spending. You can’t get to your financial destination without that. A simple excel sheet can show you where everything goes.

5. You’re not going to do it if you are not taught it. Become more educated financially so you can pass on the wisdom to your next generation.

You can read more of Ruiz’ tips in his new book which will be on shelves by late January, My Own Money Blueprint.
Follow Kristina on Twitter at kristinapuga.